
Members of VolkerFitzpatrick’s senior management team help build an allotment for SPACE Hertfordshire charity

Recently, members of our senior management team generously donated their morning to help local charity, SPACE Hertfordshire, upgrade the 'space to grow' community allotment.  


They provided a wheelchair-accessible path, erected a greenhouse, and built a storage unit,  enabling young people who are neurodivergent to use the allotment for growing fruit and vegetables.

It is incredible what can be achieved in just a couple of hours when everyone pulls together.

SPACE, the Hertfordshire-based charity supports families of children and young people who are neurodivergent (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Tourette's and other neurodiverse conditions, is so grateful for their support – it means that the 'space to grow' community allotment is really taking shape for summer.

This is the second voluntary visit from VolkerFitzpatrick to the allotment. Recently our HR team members painted and installed the fencing and gate, fitted the weed suppressant and cleared some of the ground ready for more beds to be created.  

More work will be carried out over the summer.