New Trimley bridge provides safer access across railway
A new, safe, step-free route across the Felixstowe branch line has been opened at Trimley St Martin, providing access to the countryside for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

The new bridleway bridge is the last major part of a £65m investment to upgrade the branch line; installing 1.4km of track between Trimley station and the bridge located at Gun Lane, upgrading four level crossings and improving signalling and telecoms systems.
This work will increase the capacity of the line by 10 trains per day in each direction, allowing more goods to be moved by rail freight to and from the Port of Felixstowe, as well as improved reliability for passenger services.
With each additional freight train taking the equivalent of up to 76 lorries off the road, the upgrade works will help to reduce congestion and pollution for the local community and the wider region.
The new bridleway bridge has replaced six pedestrian crossings, including the crossing at Gun Lane, providing an alternative safe route across the railway for walkers, horse riders and cyclists to access the local countryside. Footpaths and bridleways have also been improved to connect the new footbridge to the local network of paths.
The bridge has been designed with consideration of the environment and visual appearance.
Mark Budden, Network Rail’s route director for Anglia, said: “The completion of the bridleway bridge marks the last major piece of work for the Felixstowe branch line enhancement scheme.
“I am very proud of all the hard work that has been done by Network Rail and VolkerFitzpatrick to build the infrastructure necessary to move more goods by rail freight which will benefit the local community and support the growing demand to move more goods by rail.”
John Cox, VolkerFitzpatrick's rail and infrastructure director, said: “Our team has worked incredibly hard, and their strong working relationship with Network Rail is testament to the successful achievements made throughout this major enhancement scheme.”