The social impact of the Barking Riverside extension project
As the Barking Riverside extension project comes to a conclusion, the team has been looking back on some of the important community projects the Morgan Sindall Infrastructure and VolkerFitzpatrick joint venture (MSVF), has been involved with.

The MSVF joint venture began its community engagement commitments by generating a social value target of £100 million for the £196 million contract in December 2018. By January 2022, this was more than doubled with over £221m worth of social value activity achieved, across a range of community engagement initiatives.
MSVF launched its social value charter bank to record the difference major projects can, and are, making to their local communities, to quantify their success and to ‘bank’ its value in a format accessible to the wider industry.
The £221m worth of SV activities included:
- 39 apprenticeships created/supported - 17 throughout the supply chain
- 1,000+ work placement days
- 4,000+ mentoring hours
- 1,400+ school students engaged
- £32k community fundraising/donations
- Targeted work placements for women and young adults with autism
- Local recruitment – resulting in four positions filled within the community
- School sports outreach programme in partnership with Barking Rugby Club 600+ students engaged, including ever growing numbers of girls
- ICE site visits
- QUEST school visits and placements
- School and college visits
- School partnerships and community garden projects
- Virtual drop-in meetings
- NHS COVID-19 donations
- 168 small to medium enterprises engaged forming circa 38% of project spend