
Southwark recycling facility recognised for innovation at Industry Awards

The Southwark Integrated Waste Management facility has been announced the winner of an Award for Excellence, in the category of Innovation in Design of a Waste Management Facility.

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Award picture - john snow.jpg

The facility, which was built by VolkerFitzpatrick in conjunction with specialist technology contractors for clients Veolia Environmental Services and Southwark Council, was praised for its innovative approach both to sustainability and to the urban location in which it is set.

The facility is now operated by Veolia Environmental Services on behalf of Southwark Council. The awards were sponsored by and hosted by TV broadcaster and journalist, Jon Snow, who maintains a strong interest in environmental matters.

Keith Maplethorpe, Development Director for VolkerFitzpatrick, said: "We are thrilled to be part of this award. This is an incredible project and we are immensely proud of what has been achieved at this site in terms of sustainable innovations and technological advancements. The waste sector is a key focus for our company and the success of this project proves our capabilities in the sector. This flagship facility in the heart of London will continue to divert thousands of tonnes of London's waste away from landfill for many years to come."

Simon Bussell, Managing Director for Veolia Environmental Services in Southwark said: "This is a truly wonderful achievement for Veolia and our partners Southwark Council and VolkerFitzpatrick; we are delighted that the design of this state-of-the-art facility has been recognised. A great deal of thought, planning and hard work went into the creation of this integrated waste management facility; with our main goal being to impact as little as possible onto our neighbours. We are all very pleased to receive this award in recognition of this achievement."

Key design features include:

• The facility's architecture is designed to sit discreetly in its surroundings; the exterior makes use of neutral colours and a pleasing curved roof structure.
• State-of-the-art technology is used to deal with recyclables and waste
• Operational entrances face away from nearby housing.
• Negative pressure within the facility to draws dust and odours back into the building for neutralisation and treatment.
• Quiet, rapid shutting fabric doors help to contain noise, dust and odours.
• Landscaping with 100 new trees and 10,000 new shrubs creates a ‘green' corridor to promote health and wellbeing.

Sustainable design features include:

  • 25% of materials used in construction were recycled or reclaimed.
  • Solar panels provide 20% of the energy for the education centre
  • Sedum roof matting, bat and bird boxes and stag beetle logs help promote biodiversity.
  • Grey and rain water systems.

The facility supports a full suite of waste treatment processes, from collection to recovery, offering maximised diversion from landfill, and a significantly lowered carbon footprint.