
VolkerFitzpatrick starts contract to develop Luton Town Centre

VolkerFitzpatrick has started works on a £7m contract to construct the Luton Town Centre Transport Scheme (LTCTS) for client, Luton Borough Council.

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The scheme, which forms a major part of the council's vision for the future of Luton, involves completing the town centre inner ring road, from Old Bedford Road to St Mary's Roundabout, and changes to traffic circulation on the north side of the town centre.

In order to deliver this, the works will involve the construction of new sections of single and dual carriageway, a new rail over-bridge, retaining walls, four new traffic signal controlled junctions and associated utility diversions.

The scheme's overall aim is to reduce congestion in Luton town centre, and improve traffic circulation on the north side of the town centre and access for pedestrians and cyclists. The changes will also create bus priority measures at key signalled junctions, which will help to improve bus reliability and journey times.

Mark Hargreaves, VolkerFitzpatrick project manager, said: "We are pleased to be working with Luton Borough Council to support their plans for economic growth in the area. VolkerFitzpatrick has delivered a number of projects similar to the LTCTS.

"Throughout the works it is our intention to reduce and minimise disruption where possible and support the community in which we are operating. We are committed to safety and respecting the environment and it is our intention to source local labour and materials where possible."

Colin Chick, corporate director for environment and regeneration at Luton Borough Council, said: "VolkerFitzpatrick was appointed following a robust procurement process in accordance with the European regulations and its bid was the most favourable both in terms of price and quality. I am looking forward to working with VolkerFitzpatrick to deliver an important piece of infrastructure for Luton after nearly 50 years of waiting."

The scheme has been funded by the Department for Transport (DfT), third party contributions and Luton Borough Council. The works are due to be completed by May 2014.