John Pound Centre
This project was to provide a community centre for the area of Portsea in Portsmouth. The facility houses youth clubs, hairdressing training, café, kitchens, police centre, library, launderette, offices, meeting rooms, computer centre, fitness suite, workshops, crèche and sports hall.
The steel framed building is on piled foundations with a load bearing ground floor slab and metal decking on the cast in-situ upper floors. The internal walls consist of a mixture of plasterboard and fair faced blockwork.
The external envelope includes brickwork, trespass cladding, Alucobond cladding and curtain walling with solar shading louvres.
The roof is a standing seam system and there is a single ply membrane to the flat roof areas. There is a glazed dome feature to the first floor offices, and the use of sun pipes throughout provides natural light to rooms and corridors.
The internal finishes include acoustic ceilings, removable wall systems, full changing room facilities, carpets and vinyl floors, telescopic seating for the sports hall and glazed balustrade to the staircase.
The externals consist of a bespoke scheme commissioned by a local artist, integrated with the hard and soft landscaping scheme.