Milton Keynes residual waste treatment facility
As AmeyCespa’s civil engineering and building partner, VolkerFitzpatrick is constructing the facilities that will house a new state-of-the-art waste treatment facility in Milton Keynes to treat ‘black sack’.
The first stage of developing this facility was the demolition of existing buildings which took approximately three months. This cleared the way for the construction of the foundations for the buildings which will house the mechanical treatment, anaerobic digestion and advanced thermal treatment technologies. The last phase of stage two was the erection of the steel framework of the advanced thermal treatment building.
Construction of the new facility is due to be completed by January 2016. It will then go through commissioning and rigorous testing periods before it is fully operational in September 2016.
Once in operation this new facility will bring together three separate state-of-the-art waste treatment technologies. Mechanical treatment will extract recyclable waste from the black sack waste, ready for reprocessing into new products. Enclosed dry anaerobic digesters will process food and biodegradable items, producing methane to generate renewable energy and create a compost-like material for use on brownfield sites. The remaining non-recyclable and non-compostable waste will be used as a refuse derived fuel for the advanced thermal treatment plant.
The facility will generate approximately 7MW of renewable energy of which around 5.8MW will be exported to the National Grid.
Further Info: MK Waste Recovery Website.