Northwick Park Access Spine Road aerial shot

Northwick Park Access Spine Road

VolkerFitzpatrick was responsible for the construction of the Northwick Park Access Spine Road, as part of the Transport for London Surface Transport Infrastructure Construction (STIC) Framework, on behalf of Brent Council. The £10.6 million works, which commenced in May 2022, involved transforming a one-way road system into a two-way adoptable highway, to provide a route to 650 new homes (in development), and improve access to the local hospital.

The works

The works included two new traffic signal junctions and two new roundabouts; new and modified highway and associated attenuation drainage, lighting, landscaping, and works to infill part of a small redundant access tunnel.

A priority on the project was to maintain access to surrounding establishments, including Northwick Park Hospital, University of Westminster, and Harrow School, as well as considering the nearby tube station and bus routes and stands around the hospital. 

The process

During the project, traffic through the area was carefully planned and stakeholders were consulted with bi-weekly meetings using PIX4D software. For example, through carefully developed traffic management and phasing, the team maintained 24-hour access to hospital departments – including to the maternity ward.

A key challenge was also managing pedestrian access and safety in the area. The team ensured all footpaths were well maintained, with barriers to direct pedestrians onto safe walkways, and providing alternative diversions where needed.

The works were designed by Steer, while the infill to the service tunnel was designed by VolkerFitzpatrick. VolkerHighways were subcontracted to complete the surfacing and street lighting on the project. 

Social value and sustainability

The project’s achievements extended past the construction works. Demonstrating its support for young talent, the project hosted two people completing degree-apprenticeships in Quantity Surveying (QS), one graduate engineer, and two work experience placements.

As part of the project’s commitment to carbon reduction and sustainability, the team implemented measures such as reusing excavated material on site, including granite kerbs, aggregates and topsoil. Additionally, the team planted Betula pendula silver birch trees in the area – specifically selected for their ability to thrive in areas of with suboptimal soil.

In a gesture of goodwill, the team conducted pothole repair work on hospital roads, enhancing safety for local ambulances, buses, traffic, Northwick Park Hospital employees, and patients alike.
Further reinforcing its commitment to the community, the project team donated 13 crates of food to Sufra, a local charity in northwest London dedicated to providing food and support to those in need. Moreover, the team rallied behind one of its apprentices, supporting them in raising £1,700 for the Medway Hospital Charity through a night-time climb of Snowdon.

"We’re delighted to announce the completion of the Northwick Park Access Spine Road project for Brent Council, giving access to 650 new homes. The team has done a fantastic job collaborating with TfL and the local school, hospital, and university to carry out these works effectively and safely, while ensuring operational continuity for these vital establishments."

Richard Robinson Project Manager for VolkerFitzpatrick